About Redness & Veins
There are many reasons for the development of unwanted skin redness or visible veins. For some people, visible redness can be a sign of inflammatory conditions like rosacea, the resolving inflammation of acne lesions, or skin irritation or allergy (eczema). For many people, however, redness and vessels build up in areas of sun exposure. In a similar way, unwanted veins can become visible due to genetics, the effects of gravity or time, or due to sun damage on lighter skin tones. Dr. Rieder’s training as a board certified dermatologist is critical in making this initial assessment, as it informs the best options for treatment.
Though the best treatments for redness and veins are in-office procedures, skincare plays an important adjunctive role. Dr. Rieder will discuss how to best use a curated skincare program to maintain results and minimize the future development of redness and veins.
Spider Veins & Telangiectasias
The vast majority of unwanted dilated veins on the face or body can be treated with lasers or sclerotherapy. Dr. Rieder has experience using all of the state of the art lasers for the treatment of veins. Because of this, he has selected the best of all of the lasers, the Lutronic DermaV, to treat unwanted vessels. This laser has unique properties that allow for the fastest and safest treatment of visible blood vessels. The DermaV is remarkably effective in the treatment of blood vessels around the eyes, the fine blood vessels of the face, neck, and chest that develop with rosacea or sun damage. There is almost no downtime with this laser.
For larger vessels of the legs, Dr. Rieder utilizes sclerotherapy (e.g. Asclera), in which each individual vessel is gently and precisely injected with a liquid that collapses the vein. This procedure, while not painful, does require the use of compression stockings over the course of 1-2 weeks post-procedure. When there is concern that there are deeper vessels and sclerotherapy will not yield the most optimal results, Dr. Rieder will obtain ultrasound imaging. If he detects that there are feeding vessels that will ultimately cause the superficial vessels to reopen, he will consult with one of his expert colleagues to get his patients the best in endovenous ablation.
There are many reasons that people experience flushing. These include medical conditions, side effects to medications, and psychological issues. Dr. Rieder will utilize expert diagnosis to identify the root cause of the problem, and then formulate a comprehensive treatment plan. Plans may include the use of prescription medications, and also involve the use of a vascular laser such as the DermaV. After multiple, no downtime treatments, flushing is substantially reduced.