Benign Growths & Moles
Dr. Rieder has extensive experience in the diagnosis and removal of benign, unwanted growths of the skin. Conditions that are routinely treated in his clinic include:
- Angiomas
- Cysts
- Lipomas (benign accumulations of fat)
- Milia (pinpoint white bumps that may dot Facial skin)
- Benign moles
- Sebaceous hyperplasia (overgrown oil glands)
- Seborrheic keratosis (warty stuck-on growths)
- Skin tags
Dr. Rieder will utilize the most minimally invasive method to completely remove unwanted lesions with minimal damage to the skin. Devices routinely used include electrodessication / hyfrecation, laser, and surgical removal. When necessary, as with the removal of pigmented moles, Dr. Rieder will send removed lesions for confirmatory laboratory diagnosis.